Текст песни Aion — Whispers

They watch you dying, they are helpless
You close your eyes and see some body
Float over it, it’s your body!!!
You are departing although you want to say
You are feeling safe
That’s good although you can hear
only whispers in the silence…
You can hear only whispers
Suddenly it’s darkness and whispers
You are embedded in a strange tranquility
There is void and whispers all over you
You recognize some of the voices
You are feeling safe
That’s good although
you can hear only whispers in the silence…
You can hear only whispers
You are feeling safe
That’s good although
You can hear only whispers in the silence…
You can hear only whispers

Похожие тексты песен:

  1. Aion — Land Of Dreams
  2. Velvet — Take My Body Close
  3. Aion — The Night

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