Последняя песня добавлена:
April 21, 2014

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Faction — You Are Here

Alone at last to collect all of my thoughts Is it worth my time, is it worth it or not? Cuz you sketch my mind to the point of hate  →
0 Views : 48

Faction — Yesterday is Gone

Yesterday is gone, let it go I say And none of its cares will I borrow Isn’t it great to be living today and looking ahead to tomorrow All these  →
0 Views : 50

Faction — Why Save the Whales?

Funds collected in a humane cause, to rescue a mammal with enormous jaws One ate Pinocchio but you don’t care Solicit money using solemn stares Acting educated, put on your  →
0 Views : 46

Faction — Tongue Like a Battering Ram

With a tongue like a battering ram the wench is on everyone’s scams Telling stories, telling lies Causing close friends to divide A kind word for every face, then puts  →
0 Views : 40

Faction — The Kids are the Future

Let’s teach them well let’s teach them wise Make sure we teach them not to lie Tell them all that they need to know Tell them now, and let’s not  →
0 Views : 56

Faction — The Brain

It’s a test, I adapt or die When most of it is an all out lie A story’s been undisclosed against a will that was never told Undisclosed who’s bad  →
0 Views : 48

Faction — Terror in the Streets

Time to go it’s late, as the fog begins to lay And you wish that you were at home in bed Visions of evil and visions ill will Are burning  →
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Faction — Skate and Destroy

Forget the light, skate and destroy Pass the jogger, skate and destroy Snap it back, skate and destroy Kick that bike, skate and destroy It’s not a cause or political  →
0 Views : 44

Faction — Since I Was a Kid

Dad said I was one of the few who acted bad before I was two A hyperactive little boy One day of life on all my toys I pulled the  →
0 Views : 43

Faction — Running Amok

Total chaos everywhere One step beyond the old Red Scare People panic, they’re afraid, at home is the place they should have stayed Different factions, no real reasons, people dying,  →
0 Views : 45

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